Keeping Boots Dirty: Top 5 Predictions for the 2023 Concrete Industry

In order to succeed in 2023, it is imperative that we evaluate the challenges, look at how the industry has changed, and get a better understanding of what worked (and what didn't) in the past year. Join Concrete Contractor as we delve into the analytics.

Top 5 Predictions for the 2023 Concrete Industry

As we venture into 2023 with gloves on and work boots tight, let us take a look back at the year past. It often helps to evaluate the challenges, look at how the industry has changed, and get a better understanding of what worked (and what didn't). Of the many, the major challenges contractors had to face and work through included material price increases, material availability and skilled labor shortages pretty much across the board. 

Concrete Contractor connected with Maria Davidson, CEO and founder of Kojo for her insight into this past year and what 2023 will look like. Apart from on the forefront of material data, Maria has been a council member for Forbes magazine since 2022 and recently wrote about ways to reduce construction waste. 

In this guide to success in 2023, Keeping Boots Dirty: Top 5 Predictions for the 2023 Concrete Industry, concrete contractors will delve into the following topics:

  • Construction Price Variances
  • Supply Chain Disruptions
  • Scheduling Material Orders
  • Tech On the Supply Chain & Labor Shortage
  • Hiring Advice
  • Reducing Billing Errors & Material Waste
