
Manufactured by Sustainable Paving Systems, of Fair Oaks, California, Grasscrete offers a solid, drivable surface that allows direct access to the soil, water, and sunlight required to sustain vegetation.

Sustainable Paving Systems

Manufactured by Sustainable Paving Systems, Grasscrete offers a solid, drivable surface that allows direct access to the soil, water, and sunlight required to sustain vegetation.

The key to Grasscrete’s durability is the biodegradable molded pulp former, which accommodates continual No. 4 rebar reinforcement within cast-in-place concrete.

The result is a surface that is every bit as durable as a fully poured slab yet 37 percent pervious plantable-void.

Grasscrete’s patented formers are made of recycled paper pulp and slowly begin dissolving after the pour starts leaving a vegetation-friendly surface with root structure protection. 

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