[APP] Time Doctor Collects, Analyzes Time Tracking Data to Improve Productivity

The Time Doctor app harvests time tracking data on your company's work habits and then provides analytics to show key areas where improvements can be made

Customizable reports show individual time logs, screenshots and more.
Customizable reports show individual time logs, screenshots and more.

Mobile app: Time Doctor
Time Doctor
$9.99 per user per month
Available on:
Apple and Android devices

Time Doctor is a time management software available as a mobile, Web and desktop app. Time Doctor tracks total time employees work and provides a breakdown on how much time is spend on projects and specific tasks.

Unlike many other time tracking apps, TimeDoctor emphasizes time analytics rather than time tracking. The app analyzes the use of time as a whole rather than how much time is spent for activities.

[VIDEO] What is the Time Doctor Web-based Application?

Time Doctor also monitors Internet use during work hours. Notification will pop up if users spend excessive amounts of time on social media channels or browsing the Web.

According to the Time Doctor website, app users report and average 22% increase in productivity.

For companies, Time Doctor pricing starts at $9.99 per user per month with discounts for more than 10 users. There is also a free option with limited features.

App features:

  • Customizable reports show individual time logs, screenshots and more
  • Create aggregate reports to see which tasks and projects are taking the most time
  • See websites and applications visited while at work
  • Calculate payroll for team of any size
