[APP] Sign Into a Worksite from Anywhere on Site with SignOnSite

Using location services, SignOnSite detects which worksite you're visiting and can automatically sign you in

Sign On Site Logo

Mobile app: SignOnSite
Available on:
Apple and Android devices

SignOnSite is a labor and time tracking mobile app that uses a mobile device’s location services to detect which worksite you’re visiting. Simple for users, just SignOn at the start of the day and SignOff at the end of the day.

How does it work? Managers draw the site boundaries on the SignOnSite platform. Once employees are signed in to SignOnSite, they complete an induction, which is approved by site managers and supervisors. Employees can sign in and out via automatic or prompted methods.

On-site and office communication can also be managed through the app with the daily briefings feature. The Site Manager Panel is used to communicate periodic updates, reminders and information important to everyone on the team. It can also be used to send emergency evacuation alerts to everyone on site. On sign-on, employees are prompted to read the daily briefing and send back acknowledgement.

App features:

  • Access daily briefings and notices without visiting the office
  • Provide site managers with Whitecard details in one place
  • Enable automatic SignOn as you walk on site
  • Real-time list of people on site
  • Search functionality to find if a particular workers has been inducted onto the site
  • Generates and sends reports to user’s email inbox

View more App of the Week features on the Construction Toolbox blog.

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