Ekso Bionics Announces EGM Builders as First Customer to Adopt EVO Technology

EVO is designed to reduce the risk of repetitive or fatigue-related injuries for construction workers and other industrial employees.

EGM Builders, a general contractor providing construction services in New Jersey and New York, plans to use the EVO vest to help its team members stay safe and comfortable while performing their work.
EGM Builders, a general contractor providing construction services in New Jersey and New York, plans to use the EVO vest to help its team members stay safe and comfortable while performing their work.
Ekso Bionics

Ekso Bionics Holdings, Inc., a industry leader in exoskeleton technology for medical and industrial use, announced that EGM Builders, a self-performing general contractor providing construction services in New Jersey and New York, is the first customer to acquire EVO units. Launched in August 2020, EVO is the company’s latest innovation in exoskeleton technology for industrial use.

“Physical fatigue can have significant and negative impacts on employees and companies, as it leads to injuries that can have long-term consequences for individuals and reduce productivity,” said Michael Pratt, vice president at Ekso Bionics. “As a company focused on protecting and enhancing human strength, endurance and mobility, innovating technologies, such as EVO, that reduce fatigue for industrial workers is a priority. With its early adoption of EVO, EGM Builders is demonstrating its own commitment to protecting the well-being of its valued employees.”

EVO, the next generation of Ekso’s upper-body exoskeleton for industrial use, is a durable, assistive and naturally-tracking vest. It includes additional technology, based on market feedback, to aid workers with overhead work, reduce fatigue, and lower the risk of shoulder and back muscle strain. EVO offers 5 to 15 lbs. of lift assistance in each arm to elevate and alleviate the day-to-day strain on workers across all industries.

“Commercial construction is physically demanding work and maintaining employee physical health is of our utmost importance,” said Michael Espinosa, president and CEO, Partner at EGM Builders. “We are committed to protecting the safety and health of our employees, who are our most valuable asset and critical resource. EVO’s unique technology will allow our dedicated team members to stay safe and comfortable while performing the industry-leading work for which EGM Builders is known. Reducing the risk of workplace injuries is essential for ensuring that we can attract and retain the best industrial construction workers in the region while sustaining the morale that brings out our employees’ dedication to excellence.”            

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