Mobile Resource Management

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PreCise MRM launches web-based Mobile Resource Management tool designed to help paving companies get a tighter handle on one of their largest variable costs, hauling materials to and from the jobsite.


  • With varying fuel costs and unpredictable haul times, the mismanagement of the transportation of material at a construction site can make or break the profit
  • Through the use of geofencing technology and a haul cycle analysis report, operations personnel can tightly monitor the haul cycles of each job to quickly identify instances where the time at the job, the time at the plant, or the time in between is excessive
  • Includes a ruggedized GPS device specifically designed for the rigors of the extreme environments found with on-road and off-road heavy equipment
  • Device gathers critical information about the work effort of the equipment and transmits it wirelessly to a secure data center accessible from anywhere in the world
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