Ripper Attachment for Excavators and Backhoes

Offset Single Pointed Ripper is a rock ripper designed for excavators and backhoes.

Leading Edge Attachments, Inc.  now offers the Offset Single Pointed Ripper which is a new style, rock ripper designed for excavators and backhoes that allows the operator to easily rip rock, coral shale, caliche, decomposed granite, limestone, sandstone, asphalt or frozen ground with the maximum breakout force for a price that is lower than the Multi-Ripper.

The Offset Single Pointed Ripper (OSPR) design allows the operator to focus the excavator's full breakout force on one tooth that is offset to the side of the excavator or backhoe stick, thus providing the ability to rip a side wall flat.

Conventional single pointed rippers have the shank mounted in the middle of the attachment which makes it difficult to rip the side wall without the ripper being very long. The LEA Offset Single Pointed Ripper allows side wall ripping while keeping the shank very short for increased breakout force. The operator can rip down one side of the trench, turn around and rip the opposite side of the trench, and then rip the middle. This technique produces a clean flat wall that is difficult to achieve with other rippers.

The new OSPR is also great for ripping stumps or for demolition purposes.

The new Offset Single Pointed Ripper is manufactured in the USA using Swedish alloy steel (Hardox 400) and MTG KingMet teeth, and is available to fit on any backhoe or excavator from 6,000 pounds to 300,000 pounds.

The advantages of the MRT are as follows:

  • Focuses entire breakout force on one point for ideal ripping force
  • The shank is offset allowing the ripping operator to easily rip a side wall flat
  • The shank is shorter than other single pointed rippers allowing higher ripping forces
  • The Offset Single Pointed Ripper is great for removing stumps and for demolition
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