George Hedley Business Toolbox Series

The 5-part, George Hedley Business Toolbox Series focuses on topics to help a small business owner improve his estimating process and win more profitable jobs.

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The George Hedley Business Toolbox Series is a collection of articles that focus on topics to help a small business owner improve his estimating process and win more profitable jobs. A collection of the entire series, which originally ran in Polishing Contractor magazine, plus a bonus web exclusive fifth article, is available online in an easily downloadable PDF format. Articles in the entire series include:

Part 1: Don’t Be a ‘Guesstimate’ Contractor: Know Your Margins, Mark-up and Overhead
Part 2: How to Calculate an Accurate and Profitable Job Estimate
Part 3: Is Your Bid-Hit Ratio OK?
Part 4: Low Bid Is Not Enough: 10 Tips to Win More Profitable Work
Bonus Online Exclusive, Part 5: How to Create Your Company’s ‘Wow’ Factor and Impress General Contractors and Suppliers