A ‘Site’ for Sore Eyes

ForConstructionPros.com offers news, products and the new Video Network to keep you informed

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If you’re like me, one of the first things you do each morning is read the news. I still enjoy browsing through the newspaper, but when it comes to getting up to date quickly on the events of the day, I have to admit that my go-to source for news in now the Internet. It’s user-friendly, it’s interactive and it doesn’t leave my fingers covered with ink.

In this age of information and specialization, there’s simply too much news out there to fully absorb and comprehend. That’s why many of us have chosen to find news outlets that speak to our specific interests. But where do you start?

Luckily, there’s a website designed specifically for professionals who own construction equipment and it’s called ForConstructionPros.com. The portal to the Rental Product News website, as well as several other Cygnus websites, FCP contains national news stories that relate to the construction industry, an interactive look at what’s in the magazines, as well as a graphically dynamic product gallery containing hundreds of pieces of equipment. There are also forums for ongoing discussion about matters facing the industry today.

I bring up ForConstructionPros.com in this column now because there is a new feature that we’re very excited about and urge you to check out. The brand new Video Network offers videos on different product niches and topics that provide readers a new avenue with which to learn about equipment and important aspects of the industry. Not only is the Video Network informative, it’s fun. Let’s face it, if you’re in the rental business, you like equipment and here’s a venue to see it in action without ever leaving your desk.

All fun aside, ForConstructionPros.com is quickly becoming an emerging source for news, exclusive online articles and other features. The site is designed as a resource for information of importance to owners of construction equipment and aims to become a place that promotes further discussion among stakeholders in the industry. So visit ForConstructionPros.com today. You’ll be glad you did.

On a related note, have you given much thought to your own company’s website lately? As we move further and further into the Information Age, it becomes increasingly vital to have an effective and prominent online presence. If you don’t know where to get started, or have an idea but need a push in the right direction, don’t miss Lisa Cleaver’s article, "If you build it, will they come?" on page 50. She gives some helpful hints for building the best website and how to drive traffic to it once you get it up and running.

There’s no denying it, computers and the Internet are here to stay. Make the most of the resources available and don’t get left behind.

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