Into The Breach of The Rental Industry

Joining the Rental magazine team has been the biggest change for my professional career in recent years. With this new year, what "new" do you have in store?

Jonthan Kozlowski Headshot Headshot
Into The Breach of The Rental Industry
It's 2024. How many times did you write "2023" by habit already?
@emmanuel -

Hi everyone, This will be my first column as editor of Rental. 

Allow me to provide a bit of backstory and risk writing a bit of a ramble. Be assured this isn't a new resolution letter.  As Sarah mentioned, I've been in the publishing industry for some time. As much as things have changed, so much has also remained true to their core. It's still publishing. It's still talking to people. It's still learning something new every day. 

It's still discovering a problem and writing about a solution. At least, that's the goal. 

What's changed? Great question, me. I'd like to be able to write a clear and concise answer - some sort of insight list of three items. Like how social media was once used by college students as a way to seemingly uselessly connect and chat. (Yes, I'm that old. I also used the card catalog at the local library.) But now it's a platform where anyone can network within online communities, find anecdotal advice for the troubles that ail them, share a silly joke, and/or meaningful thought. 

Yet, we've been able to do that forever: the local newspaper, talking to people, and especially conventions and conferences. The upcoming ARA show provides a great opportunity to reconnect with your fellow rental business community as well as the exhibitors in the tradeshow floor hall. 

For me, the biggest change has been this new magazine. New industry. New year. (Odd how things work out like that.) What's new for you? What plans do you have for 2024? What's changed since you've started? What are the big issues that keep you up at night? Feel free to email, [email protected]. Any thoughts or questions will be greatly appreciated as they'll help me plan out the year's stories. 

To Sarah, thank you for the introduction last issue. Your guidance and direction toward this strange new world have been and will continue to be immensely valuable. Your voice and point of view will surely be missed. Expect about 900 dumb questions. 

Ok. That's enough from me. Let's get back to work. 

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