A good leader knows they can only be as successful as the team working behind them and it’s always clear when a team isn’t functioning effectively. Morale on the jobsite suffers which can lead to employee turnover and worst case scenario, lost clients.
2019 is still fresh and the busy season is just around the corner. Make sure your team is ready to perform this season with these five ways to boost teamwork:
1. Identify Existing Problems & Develop Trust:
Nothing is going to get done within a team, or your company as a whole, if there isn’t mutual trust and respect among employees and with management. Your team members need to trust you and each other to share problems and weaknesses without judgement or fear of discipline. Your crew should know to ask for help when they need it and always be willing to assist others in need. With trust, team members won’t be as likely to develop defensive behaviors which may lead to problems down the road.
2. Outline Roles & Responsibilities
Each person should always be doing their part to get the job done as well as trust their leaders to be guiding others to do the same. Everyone on the crew should know what their role is on the jobsite and know where to step in as needed. Crew members should trust their leader will step in and push the crew in the right direction if needed.
3. Build Commitment & Buy-In
People that don’t care about their job or company create what we call “artificial harmony.” They may seem OK, but they really aren’t. This can create a negative culture behind your back. If this happens, the company misses out on the positive energy or contribution that could be gained from an employee who is really all in and that can only happen when they feel like they are part of a team. Encourage your team to share ideas and help make decisions. This helps develop a commitment to the company.
4. Resolve Conflict Effectively
It’s normal for conflict to arise in a team setting – there may be a communication breakdown at some point or people may have personal issues. How conflict is managed should be clear under the team processes. If a team member has an issue how should they handle it? Who should they speak to first?
Make these practices and expectations clear from the beginning then handle situations quickly to help a team move on and maintain a good working environment.
5. Set Goals & Reward Accomplishments
Praising and recognizing a job well done will boost confidence and morale, encouraging teams and individuals to keep up the good work. Your company may decide to offer a small incentive like coffee and doughnuts when they have a month without a safety incident or set a larger goal like a party when a job is completed on time.
No matter what you decide upon for rewarding your team, it’s important that you find a way for everyone to connect on a level that isn’t work-related in order to build a strong and lasting bond. These people spend more time together than they do with their family some weeks so make sure you’re proving frequent communication on what’s working and what’s not. This can mean feedback on completed work but also include sharing any questions, insight, praise or problems the team may be having.
In the end, teamwork comes down to cooperation and communication. Without it, your business can certainly suffer. How will you help build teamwork in 2019? Let me know at [email protected]