ARTBA Chief Notes 100-Day Milestone Until Next Possible Highway Program Shutdown

The Senate and the House are only scheduled to be in session 55 and 36 days, respectively, before the deadline occurs

American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) President & CEO Pete Ruane has released the following statement:

“In just 100 days, authorization for the federal highway and transit program will end, absent action by the Congress. Close observers know, however, that the Senate and House are only scheduled to be in session 55 and 36 days, respectively, before that legislative deadline occurs. Where is the sense of urgency? 
“The uncertainty caused by congressional action is already — again — having real world, negative economic consequences as states begin cutting back work plans because they don’t know if the funding will be there to pay the bills several months from now.

“Investing in the transportation infrastructure that facilitates freight movement and personal mobility is a basic responsibility of government.  It’s time for Congress and the President  to show they can govern by providing a permanent revenue solution for the Highway Trust Fund and then pivoting to enactment of a well-funded, multi-year program reauthorization.
“The clock is on the field.” 


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