Alert Rental Offers AlertSign for Electronic Signatures and Payments

The solution allows individuals to capture signatures on bids from clients, as well as move to paperless operations.

The solution allows individuals to capture signatures on bids from clients, as well as move to paperless operations.
The solution allows individuals to capture signatures on bids from clients, as well as move to paperless operations.
Alert Rental

AlertSign by Alert Rental provides a way to capture electronic signatures and collect payments directly through Alert. These features were released in Version 24 of the software.

The solution allows individuals to capture signatures on bids from clients, as well as move to paperless operations. For security, the signatures come with a date stamp and IP address. This supports authentication of the electronic signatures.

Alert Sign1Alert Rental

“AlertSign provides a streamlined, integrated, and sustainable way to college signatures and payments on rental contracts,” said Mary Crosslin, co-president and co-owner of Alert Rental. “Rental software is designed to make operations more efficient, reliable, and secure. Not only does AlertSign achieve this, but it’s also another step toward a fully paperless process.”          

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