Almost four years ago, the first International Awards for Powered Access (IAPAs) took place. Held in conjunction with the International Powered Access Federation’s (IPAF) annual Summit, the IAPAs gained momentum each year as they traveled from London, Dublin, Amsterdam and Rome. This year, the awards program faces its biggest commute yet – it will land March 26 in Miami – and organizers are expecting more than 400 attendees.
The IAPAs, which are jointly organized by ALH, sister publication Access International and the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF), were created by IPAF’s then-president John Ball (who is now managing director of rental companies Height for Hire and Easi Uplifts).
The drive behind the awards has gotten stronger each year, with more than 100 entrants sending in forms from across the world. Past winners have been from the U.S., Brazil, Singapore, Canada, Chile, the Middle East and all across Europe.
“People come from all around the world to be at the IAPAs – we are really proud that this is a truly international event,” says Murray Pollok, managing editor of Access International.
But why should anyone enter to win or attend the IAPAs?
“The International Awards for Powered Access are a real celebration of our industry,” says Tim White, managing director of IPAF. “We need to celebrate our industry because the technology is phenomenal. The systems and the commitment behind the technology deserve to be celebrated, as well as the individual acts that contribute to making his industry safe, because this industry can only be successful if it is safe.”
The awards, which are judged by an independent panel and are completely independent from IPAF and KHL Group (publisher of ALH and AI magazines), are open to non-IPAF members and members alike.
“The IAPAs are an important part of our industry,” Whiteman says. “It is a great evening. Attendees have the opportunity to meet people all around the world who are passionate about the powered access business.”
Being there
The all-day Summit takes place the morning before the IAPA dinner. High-profile speakers include Ron De Feo – chief executive officer of Terex and, among other appointments, was a director of United Rentals until June 2005; Michael Kneeland – president and chief executive officer of United Rentals with more than 33 years of experience in the equipment rental industry; and Sérgio Kariya – managing director of the rental division of Mills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia SA in Brazil.
“The IPAF Summit is an opportunity to hear some of the leaders and shapers of the industry talking about topics close to their heart,” Whiteman says. “This is a fantastic networking and learning opportunity.”
Whiteman encourages firs- time Summit attendees who are IPAF members to join the networking event the night before, where plenty of networking will be had in a relaxed and informal setting.
“The next day is the big event and it’s important for people to plan to attend the Summit and think about getting a group together for dinner because it’s very enjoyable with a couple of colleagues,” Whiteman says of the table setups for dinner and IAPAs. “If people don’t have colleagues to bring, we will try to put them with people of similar interests.”
The IAPA awards dinner is an opportunity to praise excellence in our industry. Tables for the IAPAs always sell out quickly so it’s best to book early. The evening is always enjoyed by everyone who attends. To book a table for the IAPAs and Summit, visit at www.iapa-summit.info/
The Summit and Awards dinner are both being held March 26 at the Hilton Downtown Miami Hotel. The preceding day, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in AWP management training. For the day after the awards, IPAF is organizing visits to some interesting rental houses and construction sites in the area. You can find out more at www.iapa-summit.info/.
“IPAF’s U.S. members have been pushing us to bring events to the States and together with our partner Access, Lift & Handlers, it seems like a great opportunity,” Whiteman says. “We want to involve U.S. and Latin American members.”
As for the IAPA event itself, the deadline for entries is December 21. There are awards for manufacturers, rental companies, end users, training companies and individual awards for people who really make a difference in the industry. We ask that you encourage suppliers, customers and colleagues to enter if you think they deserve recognition. A full list of categories, entry forms and guidance on completing a submission can be found at www.iapa-summit.info as well as on these pages.