American Rental Association Redesigns RentalHQ Rental Store Locator Website

Rental Hq Ara Construction Industrial Rental 1

The online rental store locator has undergone a complete overhaul to make finding local rental equipment and rental partners easier than ever for construction contractors and professionals., managed by the American Rental Association (ARA), features an easy-to-use search function with fields for equipment type and location. Searches deliver a list of local ARA-member rental partners carrying the equipment — such as portable toilets, lifts and scaffolding, backhoes, dump trucks, and mini excavators — with contact information for each store. The website functions on desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices.

“Contractors are busy people who need robust technology to meet their needs, especially right now. Our aim with the redesign was to make the user experience as easy, quick, and reliable as possible,” said Debby Schaller, vice president of marketing for ARA. “The construction professionals using the site will be easily matched with local rental partners they can work with for a clean and safe rental experience through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.”

Each year, more than 750,000 visitors come to, the largest and most comprehensive rental store locator. Visitors to the refreshed site will also find helpful articles and tips on equipment best practices with new content being added often.

“Visitors get their answers faster with the new site,” Schaller said. “This is especially true on mobile devices, which account for more than two-thirds of site traffic.”

Construction professionals can visit to find an ARA rental partner store to work with.

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