1453 Towed Scraper

53-yd scraper floats over mud on 29.5- x 29-in. tires

K-Tec's 1453 scraper hauls up to 53 cu. yds. Four 29-in. tires provide flotation.
K-Tec's 1453 scraper hauls up to 53 cu. yds. Four 29-in. tires provide flotation.

A special hitch that hooks up in front of the tractor’s rear axle enables the 53-cu.-yd. 1453 scraper pan to put less stress on the tractor and hitch.

  • Fabricated to take a dozer push
  • Four 29.5- x 29-in. tires provide flotation for working in mud
  • Only two easy-access daily grease points with the other four on the rear axle requiring greasing at 250-hour intervals or every three weeks
  • Greaseless bushings on all other hinge points can run up to 1,200 hours before replacement
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