Crane Industry Services LLC (CIS) and Okos Partners introduced innovative behavioral simulation tools for their Leading Safety Works project management safety certification program during ConExpo-Con/Agg 2020.
Leading Safety Works establishes critical, effective and lasting connections between project and people strategies. The program is based on a practical 90-day planning system that makes problem-solving immediately effective and replicable. The system helps project leaders and managers identify critical opportunities to change conditions and improve practices on every job site.
“Working with leading simulation technology developers, we are using behavioral simulation software to assess the steps an individual makes when faced with real work scenarios," Debbie Dickinson, CEO of CIS said. "The results will show whether the decisions the individual makes will keep people safe and the project on track, or if they are making choices that may steer the project off course.”
“The inclusion of behavioral simulation in the Leading Safety Works program reinforces job site decision making, helping managers identify critical opportunities to change conditions and improve practices on every job site,” added Peter Krammer, senior partner with Okos Partners.
Dickinson’s and Krammer’s work with behavioral simulations spans projects with utilities, government, construction, manufacturing and telecommunications.
Simulations used in the program will be based on actual events rooted in construction or utility applications.
“Often accidents happen when the task is something the crew has done a million times, but in this instance, something changes – a distraction, such as weather conditions, a new crew leader, last-minute work order changes, or pressure to hurry,” Dickinson said.
The interactive training can be delivered in class, online or by simulator technology.