MacKissic Inc.
Parker Ford, PA 19457-0111
Company Overview
Old Schuykill Road
P. O. Box 111
Parker Ford, PA 19457-0111
Phone:(610) 495-7181
Toll Free:800-348-1117
Fax:(610) 495-5951
In early 1947 Elton MacKissic, the local postmaster, started manufacturing bale hooks and plow trip rope releases in the cellar of his home. Eventually he started selling them in agricultural catalogs throughout the United States and Canada. In 1952 Mac expanded his product line with farm grain wagons which eventually evolved into the farm caterer, a mobile-on-the-farm hammermill and molasses blender. In 1955, MacKissic introduced free-swinging, reversible hammers which made hammermills even more efficient and led to the development of the Mighty Mac® Leaf Shredder for home gardeners.
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