New topics and new speakers will highlight the conference program of the 32nd annual National Pavement Expo, Feb. 1-4th in Nashville, TN.
Allan Heydorn, NPE conference manager, said the four-day 2017 program features the largest conference program ever with over 50 seminars and workshops, 15 of which focus on paving.
“We update the entire program every year and for 2017 we will offer new technical and management sessions including seven new paving topics,” Heydorn said. “We are bringing back additional paving-related sessions from 2016 because they attracted a high level of interest and received extremely high ratings.”
The new paving sessions are:
- On-the-Job Paving Tips for Perfect Paving Projects, Tom Travers, Carlson Paving Products
- Compaction Basics: The Final Step in Quality Pavement, Tim Kowalski, Wirtgen America
- Diagram It! How to Pave a Parking Lot & a Cul-de-Sac from Start to Finish, John Ball, Top Quality Paving
- Materials Selection: Matching the Right Materials to the Right Project, Wayne Jones, Senior Regional Engineer, Asphalt Institute
- Introduction to Thickness Design and Pavement Distresses, Wayne Jones, Senior Regional Engineer, Asphalt Institute
- Make Your Hot Mix Supplier Your Paving Partner, Timothy R. Murphy, P.E., Murphy Pavement Technology Inc.
- Pavement Milling: An Affordable, Profitable Service, John Hood
Management Matters at NPE
Heydorn said that in addition to the paving-related topics, NPE offers a variety of other pavement maintenance technical topics to help contractors diversify and add services to their operation.
“Far and away the most-requested topics by contractors are management-related topics,” Heydorn says. “We’ve addressed those requests by offering possibly the widest range of business management sessions we’ve ever offered.”
Among the 30 new management sessions for 2017 are:
- How to Design and Implement Plans for Bonus or Incentive Compensation, Harry Schum, Compensation Resources
- Essential Risk Management Tools to Protect Your Company, Joshua Ferguson, Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP
- Secrets – and Impact – of Successful Job Costing, Guy Gruenberg, Grow Consulting
- Improve Operator Performance to Reduce Costs and Improve Profits & Safety, Scott Cerosky, Crum & Forster Insurance
- Leadership Strategies for Owners, Managers, Supervisors ... Everyone!, Giselle Chapman, Chapman Business Solutions
- Achieve Sales Success through “Consultative Selling,” Jeff Stokes, Next Level Contractor System
- 10 Proven Steps to Acquire More Business, Brad Humphrey, Pinnacle Development Group
- How Data Drives Marketing – and How to Make It Work for You, Grayson Carter, Lead Cadence
- Integrating Video, SEO, Social Media & Websites for Greater Marketing Impact, Colby Humphrey, Center for Competitive Intelligence & Development
- High-Power Leadership Strategies to Motivate, Communicate and Inspire, Dan Quiggle, The Quiggle Group
- Sales “Role Playing” to Improve your Client Conversation, Sales Success & Lead Generation, Guy Gruenberg, Grow Consulting
- How to Set Up, Operate and Sell Pavement Management Programs, Tim Murphy, Murphy Pavement Technology, Inc.
- Managing and Motivating the “Mosaic Generation” Workforce, Jeff Stokes, Next Level Contractor System
- Alignment: The Overlooked 7-Figure Business Success Key, Bill Silverman, Springboard Business Coaching
- Improve Your Company Culture to Attract, Grow and Retain the Best Workers, Tom Eosso, Eosso Brothers Paving and Tyler Spano, Intercounty Paving Co.
In addition, NPE will again host a day-long leadership boot camp presented by Brad Humphrey, Pinnacle Development Group. Titled “Relentless Leadership: An Emerging Leader’s Boot Camp,” the new session will cover “How to develop a confident, influential presence to lead the 21st Century workforce – and the 21st Century customer.” The day-long boot camp includes morning and afternoon snacks in addition to a full lunch on the day preceding the show, Jan. 31.
“We tested this more-intense, deep-dive focus on a leadership topic last year and the response was overwhelming,” said Amy Schwandt, NPE Show Manager and publisher of Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction and Asphalt Contractor. “Not only did the workshop sell out but the reviews and ratings from contractors who attended were among the highest of NPE 2016. It was an easy decision to invite Brad back to offer additional leadership insights.”
In addition to its conference program, NPE 2017 hosts an expanded exhibit floor on Feb. 1-3 and equipment giveaways by KM International (Asphalt Crack Maintenance Trailer Package), Neyra (10-Gal. Melter/Applicator) & RynoWorx (RY10 Crack Fill Melter/Applicator). Equipment giveaways valued at nearly $20,000.
For complete details on NPE 2017 – including complete session descriptions -- and to register visit nationalpavementexpo.com.
Check out these products from select NPE exhibitors on the next pages and be sure to visit Asphalt Contractor Magazine in booth #1126.