ARA Announces New Board of Directors Appointments

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The American Rental Association (ARA) has announced the latest appointments to their board of directors. 

  • Dan Hooks, CERP, president and CEO of Party Reflections, Charlotte, North Carolina, has been named the 59th president of the board of directors. Hooks has been an active volunteer, recently completing his term on the board as the ARA Party and Event Shared Interest Group (SIG) chair and on the ARA Executive Committee. 
  • Beth Hoff Blackmer, president of Aspen Rent-All, Basalt, Colorado, has been named as board chair, responsible for guiding the 19-member board. Hoff Blackmer has been an active ARA member, having served as ARA president-elect and president. She also currently chairs the Women in Rental Committee, among many other positions and accolades. 
  • Scott Irwin, president and co-owner of Delux Rental, Ypsilanti, Michigan, has been named the president-elect. He brings experience with a focus on construction and general tool rental to his position. 
  • Scott Pevey, senior manager, marketing - brand management and marketing for the Ditch Witch, American Augers, Subsite Electronics, and Trencor brands, Perry, Oklahome, will become the associate member director on the board of directors. During the two-yea term, he will represent the perspective of ARA associate members who manufacture and supply equipment to the rental market. 
  • John Jeanguenat, president of RentalMax, Carol Stream, Illinois, has been appointed to the board of directors, serving a three-year term. He serves as a member of the ARA Technology Advisory Group and is an active Peer Advisory Group member. 
  • Doug Haas, president and CEO of Crown Rental, Burnsville, Minnesota, has been named Region Six director on the board. He will represent ARA members from Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 
  • Andrew Heesacker, president and CEO of Arvada Rent-Alls, Arvada, Colorado, has been appointed Region Seven director on the board. He will represent ARA members from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. 
  • Steve Ricci, president and owner of Bigfork Rentals, Bigfork, Montana, has been named Region Eight director on the board. He will represent ARA members from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. 
  • Angie Venekamp, general manager of Rental Network, Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, has been named as Region Ten director of the board. She will represent ARA members from throughout Canada. 
  • John Bibbo, CERP, president of Event Source/Panache Events, Cleveland, has concluded his one-year term as chair of the board of directors. 
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