What did you miss if you weren’t able to make it to Nashville for the 2013 National Pavement Expo (NPE)? Well, you missed Sweeper’s Night Out, the NAPSA event that brings members, potential members and suppliers to our industry together for a night of fun, food and networking. This year’s event was again held at the Wildhorse Saloon where the music and atmosphere presented a perfect location for the even.
What else?
You missed every discounted program offered by NPE to the NAPSA membership. You missed the chance to attend great educational programs and an unequaled opportunity to network with manufacturers, suppliers, consultants and service providers who were exhibiting at the tradeshow. And, you missed the opportunity to meet with other sweeper companies and talk about their successes and obstacles. You missed the chance to learn about current events or new legislation that may affect you and your company in the near future.
The NAPSA educational opportunities included a 90 minute seminar entitled, What is the Real Value of Your Business to You and Your Family? Developing a Business Continuation Plan, by Harry Barth of Barth Benus & Calderon, LLP. Barth was also the Keynote Speaker for NPE and presented Responsible Risk Taking Through Asset Protection Planning Blindsided! Sponsored by TYMCO, Inc., this address was highly acclaimed by the attendees. It was said to be timely, pertinent and filled with tips for safeguarding and growing you sweeping business.
Beyond the Website: Using Online Tools to Grow Your Offline Business, was an educational seminar given by Grayson Carter of Bill’s Sweeping Service of Orange, CA. Grayson is a graduate from UCLA and is also a Google Certified Partner. In this session he shared his knowledge of creating an internet presence using search engines such as YP.com and Google and the value of a good Google AdWord campaign.
That’s not all you missed!!
The NPE 2013 Best Practices event gets bigger every year. This year’s Best Practices included an array of hot topics and the format allows for group participation and sharing of ideas and solutions. The subjects focused on were:
- Influencing Operators to Work Safely and Accident Free
- Getting the Employee You Want and Keeping the Employee You Need
- Hit by the Bus: A Plan for Business Continuation
- Run Your Routes so they Don’t Run You: Route Efficiencies for the Effective Sweeper
- Sales from the Property Managers Prospective
- Creative Compensation to Retain and Attract Employees
So, how do you avoid missing this opportunity again?
Start making your plans now! Next year’s NPE is being held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. It’s scheduled for January 7th – 11th. The expo is sure to have even more to offer and remember, as a NAPSA member, you can take advantage of discounts that more than reimburse the cost of the annual membership dues. For more information on next year’s NPE, please continue to use your NAPSA tools such as the website (www.powersweeping.org) and the NAPSA News.