ForConstructionPros App of the Week: Safesite

With the Safesite mobile app, contractors can record, communicate and resolve safety processes including inspections, audits, checklists, forms, incident reporting, safety observations and more while in the field

Real-time notifications when safety issues are raised.
Real-time notifications when safety issues are raised.

Mobile app: Safesite
Developer: Safesite Solutions Inc.
Cost: Free with Safesite subscription
Available on: Apple and Android devices

The Safesite mobile app is a complete safety system management tool for safety professionals of every level, with features like inspections, audits, checklists, forms, incident reporting, safety observations and more.

“We realized that by leveraging the latest generation in smartphones and tablets, Safesite would be able to both facilitate safety processes and provide a cloud service which keeps all stakeholders informed in real time about safety issues – no matter where they are in the world, putting everyone on the front foot when it comes to safety management, compliance and safety culture improvement,” says Peter Grant, CEO with Safesite.

Safesite provides OSHA, ISO, VPP and SHARP compliance assistance. According to developer, the Safesite app can help contractors increase productivity by an average of 38% through streamlining time consuming safety tasks. Grant says the app also provides up to 19% reduction in incident rates.

Contractors can use the Safesite mobile app to log safety hazards and observations on the spot and automatically notify responsible parties for a solution by email or in app notifications. The app will track and log the progress of each resolution.

Users can also utilize the Safesite Safety Analysis Dashboard for safety analysis and reporting on live data to help predict and prevent injuries and incidents. The Dashboard can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection. The Dashboard provides in-depth weekly and monthly safety reports about each project or project group.

Contractors using the Safesite mobile app can also assign follow-up actions and deadlines to personnel, teams or third parties.

Safesite subscriptions start at $40 per month for up to 10 users. Contractors looking to add more than 10 users can upgrade to the enterprise pricing which includes training support, customizations and works out much cheaper on a per user per month basis.

App features:

  • Inspection, Hazard, Near Miss, Incident Reports and Safety observation modules
  • Upload pictures
  • Group projects, regions or teams for grouped safety reporting and analysis
  • Real-time notifications when safety issues are raised
  • Real-time risk profile for projects, divisions and entire organizations
  • Export PDF reports
  • Daily automated safety summaries
  • Weekly automated safety reports
  • SMS, email and in-app real-time notifications