Would You Like to Review a Customer Before Accepting Work?

Launched in 2016, ContractorsCustomers.com provides a space for businesses to write and read reviews on customers

ContractorsCustomers.com is a recently launched website where contractors and other businesses can review both good and not so good customers.
ContractorsCustomers.com is a recently launched website where contractors and other businesses can review both good and not so good customers.

Online reviews are not new. Neither are business-to-business (B2B) review websites which allow businesses to write reviews of their customers. In fact, ForConstructionPros.com wrote about one such B2B review site, Nastyclient.com, back in 2013.

In 2016, a new B2B review site hit the Web. ContractorsCustomers.com has been gaining some traction over the last two years. The site was developed with the goal of helping businesses avoid clients who may not be a good match for their services. Contractors could also use the site to find well-reviewed customers they may want to seek work with.

According to ContractorsCustomers.com, members of the site have been very pleased, pointing out the site provides valuable information to know before you enter into a business relationship.

However, the site is not meant to be a "blacklist" or a place only to trash customers. The developers of ContractorsCustomers.com hopes the site will be more of a "rainbow list, with reviews on good customers, potential customers that may not be a good match for your business and everywhere in between."

How does it work? Well it seems pretty simple. Right on the homepage, visitors can search for reviews based on a customer's name or address. Search results appear from most relevant to least relevant.

Search results include details pertinent to the vast majority of subscribers. But members of the site can also contact the person who wrote a review for follow up information.

Have you checked out ContractorsCustomers.com or similar sites? What do you think of B2B review sites? Do you think they are beneficial or just a more public way for businesses to bash customers?

Share your thoughts in the comments section.

